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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Hagey

And Now 2019

Happy New Year!

Are you the type who dusts off your ambitions and sets your aims high in the new year? Or are you one who is content and happy to keep on keeping in as the calendar flips pages?

2018 was not rough in the traditional sense. No one was seriously ill or injured or anything. It was just... hard. I didn't get anything near what I wanted accomplished. Instead we uprooted our whole lives and relocated 2800 miles away from home back home to where a large chunk of loved ones are.

Utah is great, and I miss New Hampshire so much it hurts.

It's very tiring to *feel* all the time isn't it?

2018 was also strange because for all of 2016-2017 I had built a little home-based direct sales clothing business. Derek and I believed if I just worked hard enough then it could fund our retirement. However, things fell apart, and instead I closed up shop at the end of 2017 taking huge financial losses in the process.

So, 2018 opened up with me having a ton of time on my hands that had previously been work. I got serious. I thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I went the whole gamut of ideas and thoughts. Medical school, professional race car driver... I looked into all of it.

Finally around, oh, March, I realized what I really wanted was to sit at my desk and write. I wanted to write words and then talk to people. I want to help people realize their huge potential and maybe even help them reach it. I became a certified life coach, and really got to writing.

Here's the thing though-- for all my determination, I still got sidetracked. It's a real fault. I can not do too many things at once, and relocating 9 people, a concussion over the summer, and all my aspirations for myself WHILE keeping my children alive proved too much.

It was actually a blessing that PRACTICING PERFECTION was sitting on a pubishers desk for 8 months, because I was able to sidetrack writing and publishing while I got our butts to Utah.

2018 was hard in a lot of nontraditional ways. Yet there were immense blessings. I am so grateful for the challenges that came, and for the ones that concluded. I'm thankful to be here, still dreaming and hoping for the future.

I decided for the first time in years to write my goals for 2019 down. However, this time, I wrote goals so big they scared me. I seriously nearly scratched them out to start over more than once. But you know what? What's the point of goals if you don't feel terrified at the onset?

I'm not certain I'll hit all my goals as the year progresses. I am going to try with all my might to not get sidetracked. I'm easily distracted, so if I can show up for myself every single day, then I think, maybe I might just win 2019.

Look out world, I'm coming for you!

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